The original franchise, Europa Universalis, is the true country building game, taking control over your country's destiny over multiple centuries.
Crusader Kings is that of making your own stories, how your family dynasty has evolved, expanded and changed throughout the centuries, succeeding through some strange and wonderful emergent storytelling. If that little intro doesn't make it obvious, it's more than living up to my expectations.įans of Paradox will know their three main grand strategy franchises well. Back at the start of the year it featured prominently and got my vote for most anticipated strategy game to be released this year. It's no secret that I've been looking forward to Hearts of Iron 4. I finally stopped playing at around 11am because I was hungry. It was half past ten, I was just going to have a quick hour and half to two hours, the next thing I noticed the sun was rising, I looked at my phone and it said 05:13am. I'd like to say I'm exaggerating, but with Hearts of Iron IV this happened to me. Every now and then you can play a game that makes time seem like such a fleeting thing, where you start playing with the intentions of an hour or two before bed and the next time you notice anything, the sun is rising.